Logical Relations

Understanding Logical Relations

In the context of Business Glossary, a Logical Relation represents a relationship between Data Categories and/or Logical Fields.

Logical Relations Graph

These relations serve as the backbone for creating a unified language within an organization, enabling effective communication and collaboration. Whether defining the connection between customer information and sales data or establishing the linkages between financial metrics and operational parameters, Logical Relations provide a roadmap for navigating the intricate web of data relationships.

How to create a Logical Relation

A Logical Relation can be created under the “Relations” section of a Data Category or a Logical Field detail section ( as shown in the picture below ).

Logical Relation Creation

Then a form needs to be compiled. Logical Relation Creation Modal

The fields required are:

Field Description
Name The name of the Logical Relation. It can be a verb that links a subject to an object ( e.g. Staff - Register - Payment )
Description A brief description of the relation
Relation Type The Logical Relation type. It is possible to choose from the default ones ( dimension, association, calculation ) or define a new one

Additionally the starting and ending points of the Logical Relation ( Data Categories and/or Logical Fields ) must be defined.