Custom Properties


Custom properties in Blindata provide a way to personalize the Blindata model by allowing users to add their own specified properties. These properties offer a flexible and customizable approach to metadata management, enabling users to tailor the system to their specific needs and preferences. By defining custom properties, users can create a more relevant and efficient data environment that aligns with their unique workflows and requirements.

Every resource in Blindata can be enriched with these key-value properties, known as additional properties. These properties can hold various types of data, such as text, numbers, dates, and more, providing a robust mechanism to capture detailed and specific information about each resource. This enrichment allows for a more comprehensive and insightful representation of the data, making it easier to manage, analyze, and utilize.

Custom properties can also be grouped into sections, allowing for better organization and structure within the user interface. By grouping related properties together, users can create logical sections that make it easier to navigate and manage large sets of data. This grouping capability ensures that similar properties are displayed together, improving clarity and usability.

Once custom properties are defined, they can be used in various parts of Blindata:

  • User Interface: Custom properties appear in the user interface and can be used to provide additional information about resources.
  • Forms: Custom properties are included in forms, allowing users to input relevant data.
  • Filters: Custom properties can be used as filters to refine search results or data views. By utilizing custom properties, users can significantly enhance the functionality and personalization of the Blindata model to suit their specific needs.

Custom Properties Visualization

How To Define A Custom Property

Custom properties in Blindata can be defined and configured in the Settings section. This allows you to tailor the Blindata model to better fit your needs by adding custom properties to resources.

To define a custom property, provide the following details:

Field Description Example
Resource Type Specify the type of resource on which you want to apply the custom property. If you want to add a property to “Data Products” resources, select “DATA_PRODUCT”.
Group Provide a group name for the custom property. This helps to group related properties together. Use “Registration Information” for properties related to registration details.
Name Enter the technical name for this custom property. This name cannot be changed once set and is used internally. For a data product’s registration number, you might use “registrationDetails.registrationNumber”.
Order Specify the order of appearance for this custom property. This determines its position among other properties. Assign “1” to make it appear first, or “2” to appear second.
Label Provide the display name for the property. The Label is shown to users and can be changed as needed. Use “Registration Number” as the label for the “registrationDetails.registrationNumber” property.
Type Define the type of custom property, which determines the kind of data it will hold and how it will be represented. Choose “Enumeration” if it should hold a list of predefined values.
Domain Specify the domain or computation formula for this property, if applicable. For computed properties, this will be a formula using SpEL. For an enumeration the list of predefined values will be ["value_1","value_2"]. For a computed property calculating a 1/0 flag if description is set, use a formula like resource.description != null ? 1 : 0.
Rendering Rule Set a pattern matching rule to determine when the property should be displayed, based on other resource properties. Show the property only if “domain” is “finance”: {"domain":"finance"}.

Custom Properties Definition

By defining these attributes, you can effectively create and manage custom properties in Blindata, ensuring they meet your specific needs and are well-organized within your resources.

Types of Custom Properties

There are various types of custom properties available in Blindata:

Type Description
String Default type generally used for string
Integer Numeric property type for integer values.
Numeric Numeric property type for general numeric values.
Enumeration Allows users to define a set of predefined values that can be selected.
Autocomplete Provides an autocomplete feature that suggests values based on previously entered properties.
String List Allows users to create lists of string values.
Enumeration List Allows users to create lists of predefined values.
Autocomplete List Allows users to create lists with autocomplete features.
Computed Computed properties are defined using Spring Expression Language (SpEL) and operate locally on the resource. These properties do not require user input; instead, they are automatically calculated based on other fields within the resource.