Tracking Issues Within Campaigns

In Blindata, issues can be organized into campaigns. Each campaign constitutes a set of issues that can be grouped together based on common factors such as temporal significance, impacted functionality, ownership, etc. The organization in campaigns makes it possible to track the completion progress of the associated issues.


The list of defined campaigns can be accessed from “Campaigns” subsection of the “Issues” section ( as shown in the picture below ).

Campaign List

Campaigns are divided into active and inactive based on their status:

  • Active: the campaign is not finished yet.
  • Not Active: the campaign finished or is not started yet.

How to create and modify Campaigns

From the “Campaigns” page, it is possible to create a new campaign. The information needed are:

  • Name (required): the name of the campaign.
  • Description: optional field useful to describe the aims or contents of the campaign.
  • Owner: the user who owns responsibility for the campaign.
  • Creator: the creator of the campaign.
  • Start Date and End Date: fields indicating the time value of the campaign.
  • Status: state of the campaign.
  • Managed by owner: flag that allows to define the campaign as private.

Private Campaigns

While defining the campaign, it is possible to select the flag Managed by owner, so a campaign is created as private, i.e. only a user with permissions of CAMPAIGN_ADMIN or the owner of the campaign is able to modify and manage the issues contained within it.

Private Campaign

How to track Campaigns

The completion status of the issues within a campaign is displayed on the campaign detail page.

Campaign completion status

The displayed chart shows the number of issues created over time and the number of completed issues. The creation or completion dates are on the x-axis, and the number of issues is on the y-axis. The gray line indicates the total number of issues, while the blue line indicates the completed issues.

Campaign notifications

During the creation or modification of a campaign, when a user is designated as the owner of the campaign, this user is notified with a notification of type ASSIGN_OWNERSHIP. In particular, the notification is sent:

  • Upon creation, to the campaign owner if present and different from the user creating the campaign.
  • Upon modification, to the campaign owner if present and different from the previous owner and from the user modifying the campaign.