Stewardship Roles Management

In Blindata, roles play a crucial role in governance, reflecting the user’s authority within the platform’s processes. Each role is tailored to specific resource types, enabling versatile governance structures. For instance, roles can be purely technical, applicable only to catalog items, or hybrid, functioning across both business glossaries and data catalogs. Each Blindata role comprises customizable permissions associated with users.

Role Registry

Access the role registry via the “Stewardship” menu item, shown in the interface. Navigate to the “Roles” tab in the top navbar to view the complete list of defined roles for the current tenant. Here, you can add new roles, download the CSV containing roles, and assign roles to users.

Role Registry

How to define a Role

In the role registry page, clicking the blue “+” icon at the bottom right opens the modal for defining a role, which consists of two parts:

  • The first part allows you to define the details of the role:

    • Name: the name of the role
    • Description: role description
    • Order: the visualization order
    • Role Category: a category that includes the role (e.g., TECHNICAL)
    • Applicability: defines what kind of resources the role can be applied to. The possible choices are: Physical Entity, Data Category, Data Product. It is also possible to define whether the role allows writing to that type of resource or only reading.
  • The second part of the modal includes the matrix of permissions that the role has.

Once the role has been saved, it is possible to assign it to users along with its privileges.

Role Modal

Role Details

Once a role has been created, you can access the relative detail page. The page is divided into two parts:

  • The first shows the general information of the role, including name, resource applicability, and the list of permissions. The modify and delete actions allow the modification of the role and its cancellation. It also displays the matrix of permissions defined by the role.

  • The second part of the detail page allows you to view the assignments of the role.

Role Detail

To assign a role to a user, click the “+” icon at the top right. The icon opens the assignment modal.

Role Assignment

Once assigned, it will be shown within the section as in the previous figure. In addition, assignments are fully filterable by user and role, and you can download the assignments in CSV format.